~~ Wedding Countdown~~
Cards are on the way!! Specially hand-made for my beloved guests!
Sotong and I could'nt have finished it within a day without the help of our precious buddy Frederic and ZhiZhi. Thanks so much for helping out =)
The Exterior
Inside of the card..
~~Our New Room~~
A last chance to view the green green room...

Primer painted on...
TA-DAAA.....Done-d in a day!! Its really a whole day because Sotong keep eating snake!!! One minute say take rest, another minute say play tennis relax..tsk tsk.. But anyway, love the results (not totally but at least most of it)!!
Nice blue with a little bit of sakura flowers.....
....dropping down the side of the bed..

Here's the whole picture of it..
Cards are on the way!! Specially hand-made for my beloved guests!
Sotong and I could'nt have finished it within a day without the help of our precious buddy Frederic and ZhiZhi. Thanks so much for helping out =)
~~Our New Room~~
A last chance to view the green green room...
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