My pressie from my sweetest Sotong..Something that I wanted but didnt really want to pay for the price for it..

Yes, its the LG Ice cream phone =D

Nono, not pink.. Its white! Love him to bits!!
What I got for him? Nothing. We actually agreed on not buying anything as we need to save the money for the BKK trip. But He bought it anyway and I didnt buy anything =X. Lousy GF i am. Birthday also never buy anything for him. Think i'm no longer the romantic Isa that I used to be. The older i get, the more I cant be bothered with such things. Thats a bad sign...
Yesterday was fun. We went for photo taking with Jacky and his friends. So damn stressful man, all 4 Professional photographers with 2 super not professional models. It was kinda fun but tiring la! There was a few times that when Sotong and I were posing, 4 of them started to take pics. And even strangers took pics of us posing -_-". Maybe they thought we are those stars but yet to be famous. Haha!! Sorry guys, these "stars' will NEVER be famous. Wasted your space in your digi cam liao. haha..
We went to Tea chapter with the Uni gang, even our newly appointed Prince-To-Be Ernest and our future Da-Lao-Ban(big boss) came and join us. Chatted from 2 plus to about 7 plus. 5 hours of non-stop chattings. haha..Thats what gals do when we gather after so long. I haven seen them since last month. Kinda long, so got alot of things for them to update me. Its really a nice place to be, so peaceful and relaxing. Got tea to drink some more and also learn the tea culture. Dont mind going there again. =)
Its been so long since I enjoyed so much. For many weekends, Sotong and i did not go out. We stayed home and 'nua" alot. Its unhealthy I know, but weekdays has been too tiring for myself that I really didnt feel like going out. I just wanna relax, replenish my sleeping time that I've been lacking of. Just that sadly, the weather in SG is so hot. If not i believe my sleep would be more of a quality one instead of quantity.
Ok, got to get back with my work. Hate it when I have to bring work home to do. Just hope that the audit is over soon. Haiz..
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