Played the whole day yesterday. WEnt to Albert Park to play badminton for 2 hours. Now whole body is aching so much. Its been such a long time since i played. Used to play with Kai Xia on weekends with her brother and sister. I think i should start doing that when im back.
Anyway, after playing, we went back to city to ask about the car rental for friday's camp. Then we decided to go Boxhill to have dinner. We were at Flinder's station and ate this Lord of the Fries! Its just fries with different sauces. We chose BBQ sauce. Nice!!
Then we proceed to Boxhill and alighted the train.End up, we cant even get out of the train station as the ticket we bought is not meant for Zone 2. Over here, they divided this area into Zone 1 and 2 for transport. So we went to Richmond and its not the Richmond we first went to. But we had dinner there anyway. Had Red Rooster and i seriously think its not nice? haa..
We decided to go to Docklands as we saw a tram that goes there, and so here we are..
I"m not sure what this figure is about but i just think that its funny. LOL..
There were a few more but im jus lazy to post it up. Heee..
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