Saturday, April 28, 2007

Am still sad today, times past so slowly when you are sad. So many things had happened within such a short 6 months period. "stagant", "bored" is the word he used. Too soon for these terms to be used now, i know 6 months is not short, but neither is it long? The only conclusion i have is that he's just not used to having a girlfriend by his side or mayb he doenst want to continue from here..

Girls just want to be "hong", wants to be pampered with love and concerned every now and then, we want to hear words and questions of concern some times. But, some guys find it a challenge to their ego, some find it not neccessary,some just dont bother at all. i really dont know which category he belonged to, but i know that all of the above, the result is the same. It will cause the same sadness as time goes by.

Must you be together if you really love a person? Is it a blessing if we started off as friends and end up as friends?

Being in a relationship, being with different partners make you learn and grow, they make you treasure what you love, make you realise what you really want in a partner, and also make you realised that when you really love a person, you will want to change for them, suit into their life style so that you can do anything together. but privacy is what he wants.

He wants quietness, but he knew from the start that im talkative by nature. He knew almost everything about me from the start because i tell. But he doesnt. that's what prevented me from entering his heart, his mind. i dont know what he wants, what he's thinking. yet, he expects me to understand him. i really dont know how to do it. Im not God..

Im really tired now.I tired of being the active one and he being the passive. my limit is almost up. The future for us is suddenly blurred.

i hope things will work out during this "new chance"....
if there is one.

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