~~Time to say Goodbye~~
This is the last post Im going to blog from Melbourne. Leaving on the plane at 330pm later (1st july). Its so sad to leave this place, lots of memories although its only a short one year, its really and extraordinary, priceless experience (well, not really priceless la..lol) Time really flies, I still remember last year around this time, I'm still preparing to come over here, worrying if my Visa would be approved etc, and its also my last day at Setsco. ha!
Over here in Melbourne,I've made many friends from many countries, but usually would hang out with the usual few. I'm so glad that during this trip, I've not only had my wish come true, by studying in RMIT, but also know who are true friends who are willing to help me when Im in need or in doubt, I've known the best lecturer I've ever had in my entire study life, and most importantly, I've known God even better.
Im so happy that this route is planned for me, and it all happens for a reason. Melbourne is such a wonderful city and i do hope that I can stay here, but I also know its impossible. Hehe.. But well, Im also glad to be back in SG, hugging and cuddling with Sotong, meeting up with friends etc..
SG, here i come!!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
~~ Sad~~
Just came back from diner at Papa Gino's at Lygon, together with Liz (my meat lecturer), Ella & Ben ( Her kids), Xinyi, Cher and Sam. We wanted to treat her just before we leave Melbourne.
She is the best lecturer i ever had. Someone who is willing to sacrifice her health, her sleep, her time just to listen to you. She makes sure you understands what she is teaching, ensures that her power point slides are interesting, willing to extend date lines for you if you have a valid reason, patient. But only thing, she is a real tough marker. haha..But im fine with that, because at least when she teaches, i understand deep deep. Love her to bits.
I teared when we left her just now, so hard to say goodbye to such a nice lecturer. I'm sooo gonna miss her alot. haiz..
Just came back from diner at Papa Gino's at Lygon, together with Liz (my meat lecturer), Ella & Ben ( Her kids), Xinyi, Cher and Sam. We wanted to treat her just before we leave Melbourne.
She is the best lecturer i ever had. Someone who is willing to sacrifice her health, her sleep, her time just to listen to you. She makes sure you understands what she is teaching, ensures that her power point slides are interesting, willing to extend date lines for you if you have a valid reason, patient. But only thing, she is a real tough marker. haha..But im fine with that, because at least when she teaches, i understand deep deep. Love her to bits.
I teared when we left her just now, so hard to say goodbye to such a nice lecturer. I'm sooo gonna miss her alot. haiz..
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
~~Last paper~~
Last paper tomorrow and I've graduated! YIPPEEEE.. Wow, there are loads of things i wanna do when i go back SG and i cant wait! Going to have wonderful steamboat tomorrow after my paper. hehe..
I will definitely miss Melbourne alot, especially the weather. Though i always complain cold cold cold, but then, its still slightly better then SG's weather. And life here is really nice and relaxing. If only i could get PR here. But too bad la, no chance.haha..
Last paper tomorrow and I've graduated! YIPPEEEE.. Wow, there are loads of things i wanna do when i go back SG and i cant wait! Going to have wonderful steamboat tomorrow after my paper. hehe..
I will definitely miss Melbourne alot, especially the weather. Though i always complain cold cold cold, but then, its still slightly better then SG's weather. And life here is really nice and relaxing. If only i could get PR here. But too bad la, no chance.haha..
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Usual Sunday, went to Church in morning, then went to walk around with XY, and bought a top for interview. But cant find any bottoms, so gave up and went back home. I'm suppose to STUDY now but just feel tooo lazy. haiz...
My poor sotong have been sick since Wednesday. Sorry dear, cant be there to look after you..love you much!!
Having meat exams on Tues and a week from then, I'll be in my flight back to SG. YEAH!! Cant wait..hehe..
Ok, felt abit better liao, go back study le. Adios!
Usual Sunday, went to Church in morning, then went to walk around with XY, and bought a top for interview. But cant find any bottoms, so gave up and went back home. I'm suppose to STUDY now but just feel tooo lazy. haiz...
My poor sotong have been sick since Wednesday. Sorry dear, cant be there to look after you..love you much!!
Having meat exams on Tues and a week from then, I'll be in my flight back to SG. YEAH!! Cant wait..hehe..
Ok, felt abit better liao, go back study le. Adios!
Friday, June 20, 2008
~~For Boyfriends~~
When a GIRL is quiet ... millions of things are running in her mind. When a GIRL is not arguing ... she is thinking deeply. When a GIRL looks at u with eyes full of questions ... she is wondering how long you will be around. When a GIRL answers " I'm fine " after a few seconds ... she is not at all fine.
When a GIRL stares at you ... she is wondering why you are lying. When a GIRL lays on your chest ... she is wishing for you to be hers forever. When a GIRL wants to see you everyday... she wants to be pampered. When a GIRL says " I love you " ... she means it. When a GIRL says " I miss you " ... no one in this world can miss you more than that.
This is what i meant by Kou Bu Dui Xin..Girls, all like that..lol
Life only comes around once make sure u spend it with the right person .... Find a guy ... who calls you beautiful instead of hot. who calls you back when you hang up on him. who will stay awake just to watch you sleep. Wait for the guy who ... kisses your forehead. Who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats. Who holds your hand in front of his friends. Who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you. Who turns to his friends and says, " That's her!! "
I'm so lucky I've found mine =)
When a GIRL is quiet ... millions of things are running in her mind. When a GIRL is not arguing ... she is thinking deeply. When a GIRL looks at u with eyes full of questions ... she is wondering how long you will be around. When a GIRL answers " I'm fine " after a few seconds ... she is not at all fine.
When a GIRL stares at you ... she is wondering why you are lying. When a GIRL lays on your chest ... she is wishing for you to be hers forever. When a GIRL wants to see you everyday... she wants to be pampered. When a GIRL says " I love you " ... she means it. When a GIRL says " I miss you " ... no one in this world can miss you more than that.
This is what i meant by Kou Bu Dui Xin..Girls, all like that..lol
Life only comes around once make sure u spend it with the right person .... Find a guy ... who calls you beautiful instead of hot. who calls you back when you hang up on him. who will stay awake just to watch you sleep. Wait for the guy who ... kisses your forehead. Who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats. Who holds your hand in front of his friends. Who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you. Who turns to his friends and says, " That's her!! "
I'm so lucky I've found mine =)
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Its been over a month and still no interview. Im back to the "finding jobs" phase. Been applying for almost all those that i could apply, only a few got back to me. He asked if i could go down for interview this week but haiz..he then replied saying that he would be interviewing more people this and next week and only if he could not find anyone suitable, he will ask me down for interview.SAD!
Help me find a job please????
Its been over a month and still no interview. Im back to the "finding jobs" phase. Been applying for almost all those that i could apply, only a few got back to me. He asked if i could go down for interview this week but haiz..he then replied saying that he would be interviewing more people this and next week and only if he could not find anyone suitable, he will ask me down for interview.SAD!
Help me find a job please????
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Yeahhhhhh!! so many things to be happy about..
1) I've finish my 2nd paper and having my 3rd paper already!
2) My contact lens are here (as in still on its way to my house la)..Went i go back Sg, i can use it liao!
3) Its only 14 more days am I AM BACK!!And i can hug Sotong liao =)
4) Heee.. and My Sotong made me happy because of something he said. Love him soo much =)
Ok, Want to go watch NCIS liao. Wooohooo..Byee
Yeahhhhhh!! so many things to be happy about..
1) I've finish my 2nd paper and having my 3rd paper already!
2) My contact lens are here (as in still on its way to my house la)..Went i go back Sg, i can use it liao!
3) Its only 14 more days am I AM BACK!!And i can hug Sotong liao =)
4) Heee.. and My Sotong made me happy because of something he said. Love him soo much =)
Ok, Want to go watch NCIS liao. Wooohooo..Byee
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
~~ I'm Studying~~
As if!!! Cant wait for my exams to be over and I'll be back in SG withing 20 days!!! Yippee!!
My head is now all about dairy, colour and GMP. Duhz...This friday is my first battle out of 4. The battle: SENSORY. Wish me luck everyone! haha..
Includes colour and all those ANOVA thingy. But damn heng, VERY LITTLE calculations. HATE maths to the core----> because im bad at it. HEEE...
Anyway, I've heard of the story about one of my peers, whom Hazel claimed that i know him, but i dont remeber. Anyway, He's from TP, ITAS (should be in the AS). He recently got ROM with another girl whom he dated for 5 yrs, since poly, and this girl is also from AS. I think she's from food science. Anyway, this girl recently got a job at Bread Talk doing QC, and claims she work 7 days a week due to her busy schedule. And because of that, she decided to cancel off her wedding, even though dinner restaurants all these haven been booked.
This poor guy is not in SG right now, but this girl decides to annul her marriage whether he agree or not. Yes, within a year of ROM, you can do that. BUT FOR FUCK?!!!?!? I dont know the real reason why she decides to do that, but the main thing is: FOR FUCK U AGREE TO HIS PROPOSAL IN THE FIRST PLACE??? duhz..
*phew* Ji Dong.. But i just cant stand such people la! ok, I dont blame her if the guy have some one else or something soo serious happened after the marriage that she cant take it. but if its not, CAN TALK DE LO! DUHZ..
ok, Shiok already. Go back to study le.Heee..
As if!!! Cant wait for my exams to be over and I'll be back in SG withing 20 days!!! Yippee!!
My head is now all about dairy, colour and GMP. Duhz...This friday is my first battle out of 4. The battle: SENSORY. Wish me luck everyone! haha..
Includes colour and all those ANOVA thingy. But damn heng, VERY LITTLE calculations. HATE maths to the core----> because im bad at it. HEEE...
Anyway, I've heard of the story about one of my peers, whom Hazel claimed that i know him, but i dont remeber. Anyway, He's from TP, ITAS (should be in the AS). He recently got ROM with another girl whom he dated for 5 yrs, since poly, and this girl is also from AS. I think she's from food science. Anyway, this girl recently got a job at Bread Talk doing QC, and claims she work 7 days a week due to her busy schedule. And because of that, she decided to cancel off her wedding, even though dinner restaurants all these haven been booked.
This poor guy is not in SG right now, but this girl decides to annul her marriage whether he agree or not. Yes, within a year of ROM, you can do that. BUT FOR FUCK?!!!?!? I dont know the real reason why she decides to do that, but the main thing is: FOR FUCK U AGREE TO HIS PROPOSAL IN THE FIRST PLACE??? duhz..
*phew* Ji Dong.. But i just cant stand such people la! ok, I dont blame her if the guy have some one else or something soo serious happened after the marriage that she cant take it. but if its not, CAN TALK DE LO! DUHZ..
ok, Shiok already. Go back to study le.Heee..
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Have you heard of the starfish story?
As the old man walked the beach at dawn, he noticed a boy ahead of him picking up starfish and flinging them into the sea. Finally catching up with the boy, he asked why he was doing this. The answer was that the stranded starfish would die if left until the morning sun.
"But the beach goes on for miles and there are millions of starfish," said the old man. "How can your effort make any difference?"
The boy looked at the starfish in his hand and then threw it safely into the waves. "It makes a difference to this one," he said.
Meaningful ya? Mother Teresa said: " If you cant feed a hundred, then just feed one."
Just love quotes, its soo meaningful..
Do you believe in dreams?
Haha..i dont! but the dream i had few nights ago is a true one. Not totally la.
I dreamt that I was back in SG, at home. Then my brother brought a girl back and announced: This is my girlfriend. She has long hair, her name starts with "M" and is someone my sister knows.
Wahaha.. I was talking to my mum today in the afternoon, and she told me that my brother have a gf, for about a month liao. She wanted to suprise me when i come back in july, but she forgot that my bro wont be in SG anymore. Haha.. Her name is Joanne, and her surname is Wong.. Well, at least if the "M" in my dream is inverted, it becomes "W" wahahah..close la..hehe.. Nope, my sis dont know her. I told my mum about my dream, and she kept laughing, i told her its brother and sister's telepathy. haha..
ok..enough of blogging, got to go back study liao. Gambate!!
As the old man walked the beach at dawn, he noticed a boy ahead of him picking up starfish and flinging them into the sea. Finally catching up with the boy, he asked why he was doing this. The answer was that the stranded starfish would die if left until the morning sun.
"But the beach goes on for miles and there are millions of starfish," said the old man. "How can your effort make any difference?"
The boy looked at the starfish in his hand and then threw it safely into the waves. "It makes a difference to this one," he said.
Meaningful ya? Mother Teresa said: " If you cant feed a hundred, then just feed one."
Just love quotes, its soo meaningful..
Do you believe in dreams?
Haha..i dont! but the dream i had few nights ago is a true one. Not totally la.
I dreamt that I was back in SG, at home. Then my brother brought a girl back and announced: This is my girlfriend. She has long hair, her name starts with "M" and is someone my sister knows.
Wahaha.. I was talking to my mum today in the afternoon, and she told me that my brother have a gf, for about a month liao. She wanted to suprise me when i come back in july, but she forgot that my bro wont be in SG anymore. Haha.. Her name is Joanne, and her surname is Wong.. Well, at least if the "M" in my dream is inverted, it becomes "W" wahahah..close la..hehe.. Nope, my sis dont know her. I told my mum about my dream, and she kept laughing, i told her its brother and sister's telepathy. haha..
ok..enough of blogging, got to go back study liao. Gambate!!
~~Days of Exams~~
Been watching this show: 翻滾吧!蛋炒飯 (Rolling Love) lately on Crunchyroll. haha..cant study, so watched this show. I think its one of the latest? Not sure, its popular in CR, so try try la. yaya, Taiwan show again, its funny..heh heh..I love this guy from Fahrenheit (Fei Lun Hai), nono, not Wu Zhun (i duno y so many gals go crazy over him) but Wang Dong Cheng (Jiro)!! I love his acting ever since i saw Hana Kimi(Taiwan), the show with Wu Zhun and S.H.E's Ella.
Been sinfully online shopping these days. Not very into study.haha..and i bought 2 pairs of contact lens from LJ spree! Hiak hiak hiak.. 1 brown, 1 black. Natural ok liao, if nice, then might try wilder colours like grey, or even those with hearts, or stars pictures in it!! Wahahaha...I think that Sotong is NOT going to look into my eyes again if i get those.. Hehehe..Right, dear?? *Threatening look*

Well, the colour is not as Kua Zhang la, not VERY black or brown, i hope. hehe..

Was wondering if I should get this as well. Haha..looks like those shui wang wang (teary) types of eyes. Is the Brown or Grey nicer??? Comments please???
I cant wait to go back SG!! YEAH!! hehe..cant wait for my exams to be over as well..but have to start working liao. So sian. Been looking for jobs lately, send out a number of resumes, but no one contacted me =(
Actually, got 1. From an agency. He called my SG number. It took him a while to realise that I'm in Melbourne, not SG. I tried to tell him a few times, but i dont know why he didnt get it. Here's part of the Conversation:
He:" Ermm..the job you applied is in Woodlands and you staying in Tampines, you sure you are ok with it?"
Me:" Yea. why not? My previous jobs are in the west. And i guess, the industry i want to work in are all in the west, so im fine with it."
He: "Oh, i see... Then you have been working till June 2007, so what have you been doing till date?" (OBVIOUSLY he didnt read my resume!! -_-"")
Me: " I'm studying, I came over to Aust to further my studies"
He:" Oh, i see.. Study what? Advance Diploma?" ( DIAOZ....)
Me: " Erm, no? I'm taking my Bachelor in Food Science."
He: "Oh..ok.. So,if you were to get the job in this company, how would you get there?" (Do agents ask such questions??)
Me: "Erm.. i will take either bus or MRT, depends which is faster lo."
He: "oh! Bus is faster! You can take 168 from...blah blah blah... I used to stay in Tampines, and i thought bus is faster to Woodlands as the bus uses the expressway."
Me:" Oh, ok. Thanks you." (cant stop laughing man!)
He: "So how do i contact you since you are in Aust? Oh wait! you are in Aust!! and Im calling your SG mobile" (Wa piangz.. I want to hit my head on the wall)
Me:" Ermm, yea, i brought my SG number over here."
He:" Wa, okok, then better not talk so much, very expensive. So i will help you apply this job, and will contact you if there is any news. ok?"
Me: " Yup. Sure. Thank you. Bye.."
He: "Bye"
It was already 16 minutes worth of call lo!! Still say dont talk so much. Duhz..ok, shall not blame him, since he's helping me. haha..
Ok, time's up! Go study liao. hehe..update when i shopped for new stuffs again! haha..

Been watching this show: 翻滾吧!蛋炒飯 (Rolling Love) lately on Crunchyroll. haha..cant study, so watched this show. I think its one of the latest? Not sure, its popular in CR, so try try la. yaya, Taiwan show again, its funny..heh heh..I love this guy from Fahrenheit (Fei Lun Hai), nono, not Wu Zhun (i duno y so many gals go crazy over him) but Wang Dong Cheng (Jiro)!! I love his acting ever since i saw Hana Kimi(Taiwan), the show with Wu Zhun and S.H.E's Ella.
Been sinfully online shopping these days. Not very into study.haha..and i bought 2 pairs of contact lens from LJ spree! Hiak hiak hiak.. 1 brown, 1 black. Natural ok liao, if nice, then might try wilder colours like grey, or even those with hearts, or stars pictures in it!! Wahahaha...I think that Sotong is NOT going to look into my eyes again if i get those.. Hehehe..Right, dear?? *Threatening look*

Well, the colour is not as Kua Zhang la, not VERY black or brown, i hope. hehe..

Was wondering if I should get this as well. Haha..looks like those shui wang wang (teary) types of eyes. Is the Brown or Grey nicer??? Comments please???
I cant wait to go back SG!! YEAH!! hehe..cant wait for my exams to be over as well..but have to start working liao. So sian. Been looking for jobs lately, send out a number of resumes, but no one contacted me =(
Actually, got 1. From an agency. He called my SG number. It took him a while to realise that I'm in Melbourne, not SG. I tried to tell him a few times, but i dont know why he didnt get it. Here's part of the Conversation:
He:" Ermm..the job you applied is in Woodlands and you staying in Tampines, you sure you are ok with it?"
Me:" Yea. why not? My previous jobs are in the west. And i guess, the industry i want to work in are all in the west, so im fine with it."
He: "Oh, i see... Then you have been working till June 2007, so what have you been doing till date?" (OBVIOUSLY he didnt read my resume!! -_-"")
Me: " I'm studying, I came over to Aust to further my studies"
He:" Oh, i see.. Study what? Advance Diploma?" ( DIAOZ....)
Me: " Erm, no? I'm taking my Bachelor in Food Science."
He: "Oh..ok.. So,if you were to get the job in this company, how would you get there?" (Do agents ask such questions??)
Me: "Erm.. i will take either bus or MRT, depends which is faster lo."
He: "oh! Bus is faster! You can take 168 from...blah blah blah... I used to stay in Tampines, and i thought bus is faster to Woodlands as the bus uses the expressway."
Me:" Oh, ok. Thanks you." (cant stop laughing man!)
He: "So how do i contact you since you are in Aust? Oh wait! you are in Aust!! and Im calling your SG mobile" (Wa piangz.. I want to hit my head on the wall)
Me:" Ermm, yea, i brought my SG number over here."
He:" Wa, okok, then better not talk so much, very expensive. So i will help you apply this job, and will contact you if there is any news. ok?"
Me: " Yup. Sure. Thank you. Bye.."
He: "Bye"
It was already 16 minutes worth of call lo!! Still say dont talk so much. Duhz..ok, shall not blame him, since he's helping me. haha..
Ok, time's up! Go study liao. hehe..update when i shopped for new stuffs again! haha..

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