Movies watched:
Cj 7.
It was alright, Not as touching. I like Stephen Chow's movies, but this one, Im like kinda disappointed. but that 7 zhai very cute!!! i love it..
Quite nice story plot. But I feel that its like similar to Heroes. Haa...but its very special la..
Play: Dim Sum Dollies

喝茶, 吃点心. 点心, 点心, 点心!!!
It was FANTASTIC! I love it!! Its soo funny, even from the beginning. If only history teachers would make SG history this interesting. hehe...
14th Feb- Vday:
It wasnt good. He made me angry initially by not planning anything..But the suprise came a day later..
15th Feb:
Sotong planned a suprise chalet for me together with my closest buddies! They managed to keep the secret really well and also, Yiru managed to bluff me to the chalet, saying its her friend's chalet, and wants me to accompany her. I kinda hesitated at first, because its a "guy's "one, and afraid that Justin might not like it. So Yiru "asked" for me and he said ok. So i go lo..
When i reach there, there was a cute little green toy hanging on the door. Yiru opened the door and: "SUPRISE!!!!!!!!". Then i saw Huiqi holding a pizza with a candle and Sotong there poping the confetti. Love them to bits! =)
I really didnt expect the chalet to be a suprised one, but im also glad it is..hehe.. Huiqi was having exams that day and Sotong was the best, the msg me in the morning as usual, saying he's busy and might not talk to me online. Saying he have the seminar at about 2-3 plus. and he also msg me as usual, after work, saying he will meet me after the chalet at night. Haa..but then, he actually took leave just for the chalet =)
Here are some pictures:

Decorations done by Huiqi when she was bored..haha.

They especially chose I for Isa..heheh..

Thats not the only suprise, Huiqi also called the rest of my poly friends for the BBQ the next day!

The helpers for the BBQ

Poor Sotong working so hard to make the fire start that he burnt both his feet with the lighted charcoal =(

Playing around with charcoal guns?

Time to start eating!! hehe..look at Aimei, She's always the first to eat..haha..

Look at her plate..

And poor Malvin is always cooking for her.. haha..

Yeah..the 4 gals again =)

My Birthday cake! Huiqi bought it for me =)
Its ice cream cake from Swensen's and its Winnie the Pooh!! hehe..

I made Francis light up the candle 3 times as he's the only one with the lighter as he smokes. Ha..

All of the gals =) forgot about the guys though..heheh..

Playing games after the cake cutting session..
Present opening time~~

All the presents...Pink Soemi costomectic bag is from Huiqi, Mushrooms is frm Suhui, Mei Fang and YiZhen, FCUK perfume is from Yuhao, and it comes with the T-Shirt the mushroom was wearing. Its' suppose to be one size fits all, but obviously i cant wear it.. -_-"
The mask, dog and cup is from Malvin and Aimei, the earrings on top of the FCUK perfume is from Meihui, the Disney organiser is from Fion, the Black crown mirror is from Sue, the TM voucher is from Hazel and Cheryl. The watch on the Mushroom is from Lihua and Kaixia and the bracelet on top of the mushroom is from Shijia..
It was a great chalet. Thanks for those who came, thanks for planning this chalet a memorable one. Love u all much!! =)